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How we did Disney!

Writer's picture: Sara HarrodSara Harrod

Updated: Sep 24, 2019

~Grab yourself a drink and a snack - this one's gonna be a long one. But I'd rather have it all in one place!~

We've dreamed about going to Disney for YEARS, since the time it was just us and Paige. The biggest obstacles for our family in a trip like this is how Aiden will do; Paige has great management of her diabetes and we have the tech to help us. Now, doing Disney is NOT for every Autism family, and I acknowledge this. For Aiden, crowds of people don't seem to bother him too much, and he loves going to fairs and amusement parks (he calls them Boofs - short for Boo Festival from a Halloween movie he fell in love with a few years ago), so we figured we would give it a try. We've always tried to raise our kids to be flexible, as we often times head out at a whim or change our plans at the last minute and we want Aiden to be able to cope with those kinds of unplanned changes.

It really feels real when the Magic Bands arrive! When you check in, you can attach a credit card to the bands and a PIN number to authorize charges with.


We were traveling with my parents and my sister & nephew, one big group but 3 separate hotel rooms... so it wasn't going to be a quick and easy trip to plan. With that fact and because this was our first Disney trip in over 2 decades (doesn't count because I wasn't even 10 years old at the time), we contacted a Disney planner. Let me tell you, she was a LIFESAVER. We had a little more knowledge than perhaps the typical Disney newbie (thank you family & interwebz), but she was an immense help and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her to anyone looking to book a Disney trip. She was patient with every question we had, both with us and also with my folks (and believe me, we had a TON). She even gave us valuable info, like being able to purchase Disney gift cards from Sam's Club at a discount; she was also able to help us honestly weigh the savings of a discount versus being able to get a package. Her services are FREE to you! {Note: the Disney planner we used is no longer available, so I've linked my good friend Linda here as someone who you can use - she's a fantastic Disney planner!}

We went in late April/early May - as a lot of websites we read said this was a great time to go when there wouldn't be a TON of people in the parks. Aiden doesn't usually have an issue with crowds, but I didn't want to tempt the fates :) We also decided that we would have an off day for every 2 days in the parks, and repeat that for the whole trip. That would give us a rest day to do nothing or even go back into the park if we wanted.

Other than the resort and dates we would be there, the next big thing we had to take care of was the meals [we'd already decided to get Park Hopper tickets so we could have the flexibility of going to another park in the afternoon/evening if we wanted]. It took us about FOUR HOURS to figure it all out! We had to take into account Aiden's selective appetite for all meals - I am so THANKFUL that Disney has a list of EVERY SINGLE RESTAURANT for EVERY SINGLE MEAL on their website - we were able to see if certain restaurants would have something he could eat. Figuring out food for Paige is pretty easy - we use the CalorieKing app to figure out carbs as best we can. We took the list of restaurants we wanted to go to and matched them up with park days and off days, so we weren't booking ourselves at a meal inside a park on a rest day. The Disney planner took care of actually making the reservations when they opened for us on day 180 prior to the trip.

For the Fast Passes, I let my sweet Momma and the Disney planner handle scheduling them. I'm a big chicken and don't really ride rides; I knew I would stay with Aiden for any rides that he wouldn't be able to go on while everyone else rode, so I didn't feel my input was 100% necessary in making those decisions. The two ladies booked the rides PERFECTLY so we were never running from one activity/meal to another. The Disney planner also took care of booking the Fast Passes for us when they opened up - 30 days prior to the trip.

The Harrods hit the road!


We planned to drive down, and to break up the 16 hour trip into 2 days so we weren't stressed about time or taking breaks. We were traveling with my parents and my sister & nephew in one vehicle and the 4 of us Harrods in the other. Aiden has always traveled well, and in fact enjoys being in the vehicle and watching movies or gazing out the windows. We also armed ourselves with games, toys, and a Nintendo Switch that we could also plug into the hotel TVs and play during down time. We planned on making stops every 2-3 hours (more often if needed) and taking necessary breaks. And in true road trip fashion we had oodles of food in both vehicles :P (to cut down on meal expenses we all planned to make our own lunches both traveling days, each way).

We reserved a hotel room almost exactly at the halfway point for us in Georgia. Aiden does extremely well in hotel rooms, and is actually excited for them; I'm not sure if he sees it as a sleepover or party or whatnot, but I'm thankful that there's no stress for him sleeping in a new bed. The whole trip down was very easy and comfortable.

We finally got to the Disney Resort (we stayed at Pop Century - listed as a "Value Resort" and it was still nicer than half the hotels I've ever stayed in), checked in, unloaded, and headed down to the restaurant/cafeteria inside the resort for some food. We were still not sure how the meal plan worked, but the Cast Members there were able to help us fumble through it.

Day 1 - Hollywood Studios

We had all of the necessities packed for everyone - in these clear pouches from Target Dollar Spot. I wanted something clear so security could see right through the pouch (which they did appreciate and said so - it helped us move through quicker). We had a pouch for each one of us, so we could grab it and they'd have all they need in it. We kept the insulin in a thermal pouch with ice packs/loose ice from the hotel. We only did that for a day or 2 as we were literally 20 minutes from our hotel no matter which park we were in, so if we needed to, we could head back pretty easily before anything serious happened. Note: we also made sure to declare medical equipment to security prior to them inspecting any bags. That's just a common courtesy - I know I'd sure want to know ahead of time if I was in their position.

Diabetes pouch: glucose tablets, syringes and granola bars.

We had Aiden's headphones - he uses these not only for loud noises, but if he's uncomfortable or apprehensive. At this time, Aiden was still using a potty seat and stepstool in the restroom. How the heck do we bring that into the park?!?! We got a huge Space Bag to keep it in so security wouldn't end up sticking their hands on it inadvertently while searching bags - even though we used wipes on it thoroughly after each use and had Lysol spray also. I would be GROSSED OUT if I was security and had that happen to me, so I don't do that to anyone else. I also made sure to declare the potty seat to them before they searched. (I was initially embarrassed but I'm sure they've seen way worse; and if that's how we have to do it, that's how we have to do it).

I had bought an Apple Watch solely for this trip - so I could check Paige's blood glucose levels via Dexcom right on my watch, without having to get my phone out of my bag or pocket. The fact that I could see and respond to texts/calls also was a bonus! I love my Apple Watch so much! Its one of those tech devices that I thought was stupid when it came out, until I really saw what it did and realized how much easier it makes things for me. Next time I'll get this Puck holder to put my Magic Band puck onto my Apple Watch band - so I don't have 2 big honkin things on my wrist!

We borrowed a stroller from a friend so Aiden could take a break and have a safe place that was "his" if he got overwhelmed. We knew about the Disability Access Service that we would be able to get both kids hooked up with - in short, it allows them to check into one ride at a time that would have a wait, and the Cast Members at that ride would tell you when to come back (as if you were standing in the regular line the whole time) - at that specific time you would come back to the ride and enter using the Fast Pass line. The DAS pass had to be set up at Guest Services inside the park, so we took care of this here. They were really great with us and helped us understand how it worked. The pass was valid for the individual and up to 6 additional people for each pass, but you have to specify which people would be attached to the pass. They took pictures of us and it was all loaded onto Aiden's Magic Band, and the others were on Paige's DAS pass.

The DAS pass came in HANDY when we wanted to ride the Toy Story ride - we weren't able to get a Fast Pass for it. Aiden was apprehensive with the rides (I'm sure because he didn't know what to expect) but he really enjoyed that ride - so much that we rode it 2 times! It would have been really helpful if Disney had secret videos of the cameraman sitting on the rides filming all that happens, so we could have watched them and better prepared him. [Don't worry - I sent that suggestion in to Disney :P]

In Hollywood Studios is all the Star Wars stuff - really cool! However, there's a parade of Storm Troopers about each hour or 2, and a show in the main square. We tried to watch the show, but Aiden couldn't take it, so we had to go elsewhere... just one of those "dang I hate you Autism" moments (which are completely normal to have).

For dinner we had the buffet at Hollywood & Vine. It was good, but the others in our group didn't think it was very good. Maybe I was just super hungry :P How the meals work: Based on which meal plan you select, all of it is loaded into a "bank" and as you use the credits, it comes out of the "bank." So you can do 3 sit down dinners (called table service) in one day if you wanted, but the 3 would come out of your allotted credits. I really like the flexibility in this - so on our Rest Days we could skip the table service and just use the quick service meals, so the table services could be used on park days.

We wanted to try to go to the Fantasmic show in the evening, and we figured that on the first day Aiden would probably be more tolerable of shows. Well, come to find out, there's fireworks and other loud things that we realized he would not be ok with - so hubby took him back to the hotel.

~Our schedule, including Fast Passes: 9:55a Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, 11:30a Rock N Roller Coaster, 1:30p Star Tours; 4:55p Dinner; 8:30p Fantasmic.

*For the Fast Passes you can go to the ride anytime in the 1 hour window. If your Fast Pass is for 9:30a, you can get there anytime 9:30a-10:30a. I watched a lot of videos on the Fast Passes and how they work, but this one taught me the app hack and it works y'all!

Day 2 - Magic Kingdom

We actually started the day out with breakfast at Ohana in the GORGEOUS Polynesian hotel. I would do anything to have that recipe for the juice! [NOTE: all of our meal reservations for the whole trip were for all 8 of us together - and we all had to be present before we could check in... just something to keep in mind if you're traveling with a group. If you do not show up for your reservation there is a charge of $10/person.]

It was such a blast to go on rides I know I've been on before: Star Tours, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion! We tried to go on Splash Mountain but when we were literally 2 cars from the front there was a medical emergency and everyone had to be evacuated. They gave us a paper replacement Fast Pass that could be used anytime in the next week or month or so, so we just opted to save them until we were coming back in a couple days.

Dinner was at Whispering Canyon Cafe inside Wilderness Lodge. A great family restaurant - and the food was delicious and big portions too! Just beware if you need ketchup - they don't bring you just one bottle, they bring you all of the ketchup in the restaurant! You literally have to YELL for ketchup - and if you've got the ketchup and someone else needs it, you have to take all of the bottles to them! We all had so much FUN here! Aiden even laughed so hard at all of the ketchup bottles :P

~Our Schedule: 9:30a Ohana; 12:10 Pirates of the Caribbean, 1:10p Splash Mountain, 2:25p Haunted Mansion; 5:00p Whispering Canyon Cafe.

I wasn't lying about the ketchup!

Day 3 - Rest Day/Universal Studios

Our original schedule was 2 days in the parks then 1 day to rest - well we HAD to go to Harry Potter World at Universal Studios while we were in Florida, so we used our first "rest day" to go! So that will be its own post :) Coming soon!

Day 4 - Magic Kingdom

It was this day that I finally figured out how to order food through the app - so handy!! We also starting having snacks while in the parks - we are not usually big snacking people so we hadn't really used any - but I also didn't realize that the frozen lemonade counted as a snack credit! So now we really started to use them so we wouldn't have any left by the time the trip was over. We also started to break off into a couple smaller groups on this day - we would come back together for dinners, possibly catch each other at the Fast Passes.

Dinner was at Tony's Town Square - it was good Italian food, and conveniently located inside the park near the entrance.

~Our Schedule: 9:50a Little Mermaid, 12:55p Buzz Lightyear, 2:05p Monsters Inc Laugh Floor; 5:20p Tony's Town Square

Day 5 - Epcot

One of the things I wanted to do while in Disney was to get the Passport and get stamps from all of the countries at Epcot! We started out slow, taking time to browse in the shops in all of the countries (and figure out where the stamps were - they are at the Kid locations in each country) so to get the last half of the stamps needed we had to kind of go faster lol. Not sure how much of the last couple countries we saw BUT WE GOT THEM ALL!

We ate at Coral Reef for dinner and it was cool to see the big fish tanks while we ate - and there were even divers inside! The food was good but not our favorite from the trip.

~Our Schedule: 9:50a Nemo & Friends, 11:40a Mission: Space, 1:40p Frozen; 5:25p Coral Reef

Day 6 - Rest Day

We kicked off the day with breakfast at Chef Mickeys - the buffet was very good! We were able to watch the characters and their handlers here - the handlers were pointing out new tables so the characters could see every single kiddo! Its details like that that make Disney an amazing vacation.

Aiden doesn't normally want anything to do with any characters, but we got pictures of him with Goofy AND Pluto here! His older cousin getting his picture probably had something to do with it :) Doesn't matter - I'll take it! Other than those, I've only got one other picture of Aiden with a character (Santa). Our mouths were on the floor in amazement at him - he did so well!

It was a rainy day so it was good that we had this as our rest day. We stayed in the hotel and played the Switch and relaxed. It was much needed.

Dinner was at Cape May in the Beach Club Resort - this seafood buffet was hands down the BEST meal we had all trip! No question about it - we all loved it! I took pictures of all of the receipts from meals - there would have been NO WAY we could have been able to go to these restaurants if we didn't have the Meal Plan! This receipt was one of the highest but all of our meals were around this price range - we had 3 adults 1 child.

~Our Schedule: 9:25a Chef Mickey's, 5:00p Cape May

They ring up all meals, and then deduct the cost if you have the meal plan - you have to pay the tip, which was automatically added in for us as we had 8 people in our reservation. You can use cash/card/gift cards to pay for the tip and anything not covered, or you can have it put on the card on file on your magic band.

Day 7 - Animal Kingdom

The last day in the parks - we were all exhausted but ready for the day! It rained all day so Mom stayed at the resort all day - she couldn't take the electric scooter in the rain.

We were not able to get Fast Passes for the Avatar ride, but we used the DAS pass. Paige and Jake would go on the ride, and if they thought it was something that we could go on, Aiden & I would ride; if it was one I could ride but not Aiden then we would switch and I would go with Paige [we had to go back to Guest Services and put me on her DAS pass but it was better than waiting 2 hours in line! We knew what our plans would be from then on and it wouldn't affect anything else.

We changed our Fast Pass from Dinosaur ride [NOT for smaller kids - its scary] to the Kilamajaro Safari, and we all enjoyed that so much, even the 2 that rode all the big rides really enjoyed it!

Our dinner reservations were at Boma - and we were the first ones there and while waiting for the rest of our party I was looking at the menu and started to freak out that there would be NOTHING for Aiden to eat - its an African buffet and not his normal menu. When we got inside, we talked to our server and he recommended some of his favorites and could tell us about some of the popular dishes... and he was spot on! Aiden found some food for himself too [they usually have kid friendly dishes at all restaurants - mac & cheese, pizza, etc]. This was a pleasant surprise for all of us!

~Our Schedule: 10:25a Na'vi River Journey, 1:15p Dinosaur/2:10p Kilamajaro Safari; 5:00p Boma. We also had a FP for 8:35p Rivers of Light but we were all tired so we skipped it.

We drove home the same way we drove down - and that was not without excitement either, as we had a flat tire as we were getting gas that just happened to be a service station and they fixed it with us right in the van! Annnnnnd a certain blood glucose testing meter was left at the hotel in Georgia.... and we didn't realize it until we were all the way home in Ohio! Thankfully the hotel staff that found it knew exactly what it was and put it aside - they were able to mail it back to us with a prepaid envelope that we sent down there. [We had a backup one to use just in times like these!]


We opted to go to the parks early, be there all day, and then after dinner we would be done for the day. Others I'd talked to go early, come back to the resort so kiddos can nap (and to get out of the hottest part of the day) and then go back later.

We all had an AMAZING time and definitely would do it again in a heartbeat.... maybe in about 5 years! Have you ever been to Disney? Been to any of these places? What did you think??



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blocks & needles: one family's journey with Type 1 Diabetes, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and everything inbetween!

Blocks & Needles: Our family's journey with Type 1 Diabetes, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and everything inbetween!

All information and views expressed are of my own and should not be substituted for medical advice - contact your medical care team. In an emergency, head to the nearest emergency room immediately.


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